Amira Hossam

Organizational Culture and Social Policy Lead

Amira Abdel-Aziz has 15 years of experience in the fields of Public Policies, alternative care for children, youth development, social entrepreneurship, and organizational culture. Throughout these years, Amira acted as a researcher, facilitator, and manager to multiple projects in different national, regional, and international organizations, i.e., ILO, GIZ, Save the Children, Oxfam.

Currently, Amira acts as the lead technical advisor with UNICEF Egypt to develop a “National Strategy for Alternative Care for Children in Egypt.” Also, starting 2020, Amira is leading a technical mission with Care Egypt on assessing their own organizational culture and co-creating new ones using participatory and storytelling techniques.

Amira holds a master’s degree in Economic development and international cooperation from Tor-Vergata University, Rome, Italy.

Countries of experience: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, and Yemen.
