Directory of Arabic Resources and Content on Youth Development

Our inspiration

We, development practitioners, always complain of a lack of available resources and content in Arabic across development fields. However we know new content is being produced and developed every day, but unfortunately, not all of it is circulated, accessible, or even known to everyone.

We are inspired by a 15-year-old annotated bibliography of available Arabic resources in Youth Development developed by Sarah Sabry. At that time, this bibliography was a significant contribution that informed youth development practitioners about available resources and tools to advance their work and projects. Unfortunately, Since then, there have been no similar efforts to map such resources and content that were developed in Arabic, as far as we know.

Our response

In response to that, we aim to develop a regular annual directory of published resources and content in Arabic, which includes all relevant research studies, academic articles, action guides, training manuals, project reports, opinion articles, and reflective pieces. We endeavour that the directory enhances practitioners’ access to Arabic resources and content in the youth development field.

Such a directory will be the result of a collaborative and crowdsourced research effort, calling development practitioners and organizations on an annual basis to contribute by mapping existing resources and content, either developed by them or others in their networks.

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Mohamed Yassein


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